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208 GTI skal sætte standarden

208 GTI skal sætte standarden

Vi så tidligere på året Peugeot 208 GTI I konceptform, men bilen vil ikke nå et produktionsklart stadie, medmindre den er den umiddelbart bedste i klassen.

Peugeots modeldirektør, Laurent Blanchet, sagde at evalueringsprocessen i forhold til konceptbilen var i fuld gang, og ville være definerende for, hvorvidt GTI udgaven skal bygges.

Han nævnte, at bilen ikke vil bevæge sig ud over konceptstadiet, medmindre den bliver bedre end nøglespillere som Renault Clio 200, VW Polo GTI og Mini JCW:

“We do not want to create a car like the 207 RC or 308 GTI again. We want to launch a car that is modern and genuine, a real GTI. We want the genes of the 205 GTI to run in the car, but to present those things in a modern way.”

“This isn’t a revival of the 205 GTI — it cannot be in this world today — but we are genuine in saying that we want this car to sell widely and because of its merits. Our history of the 205 GTI dictates that we only launch the best product in this sector.”

Blanchet understregede dog at 208 GTI ikke kun ville blive markedsført på dens egenskaber som sportslig bil:

“The engine will have 180 to 200bhp, and the ride and handling absolutely must be best in class, but that alone is not enough to sell the car in the numbers that are a benefit to the brand. Our research suggests there are two ways to build this car: as a raw performance car with no radio, no air-con and so on, or one that combines driving ability with equipment and style. The former will sell few cars, but the market for the latter looks better. We must find an equilibrium.”

Storbritannien stod for over 20 % af salget af den legendariske 205 GTI, og som en følge af det, afslørede Blanchet at bilen ville blive udviklet på britiske veje, såfremt den får grønt lys.